
Build and Start Command

The build and start command combines building the Docker Compose services and starting the environment in detached mode. This command ensures that all services are built before being brought up.


To build and start an environment using Dock:

dock <environment> b

To build without using cached layers:

dock <environment> b --no-cache


dock <environment> b -nc


Building and Starting the Development Environment

dock dev b

This command will:

  1. Build all services defined in docker-compose-dev.yml.
  2. Start the environment in detached mode.

Building and Starting Without Cache

dock dev b --no-cache


dock dev b -nc

This command will:

  1. Build services in docker-compose-dev.yml without using cached layers.
  2. Start the environment in detached mode.

Building and Starting the Production Environment

dock prod b

This command will:

  1. Build services using docker-compose-prod.yml.
  2. Ensure all services are running.

Behind the Scenes

The b command internally maps to the following Docker Compose commands:

  • With caching enabled:

    docker-compose -f <compose-file> build
    docker-compose -f <compose-file> up -d
  • Without caching:

    docker-compose -f <compose-file> build --no-cache
    docker-compose -f <compose-file> up -d

Dock automates this process, selecting the appropriate compose file based on your .dock configuration.


  • Use for Updates: If you’ve made changes to your Dockerfiles or dependencies, use the b command to rebuild and restart your services.
  • Force a Fresh Build: Use --no-cache or -nc when rebuilding services to ensure no cached layers are used.
  • Combine with Logs: After starting the environment, use the logs command to monitor the services:
    dock dev logs

Down (`d`)